Try hard to be an honest, communicative, thoughtful and available adult and left and right sexy young grifters will be attempting to seduce you and entangle you in vicious emotional blackmail. No philosophers are immune to it.
Since I have never considered Sartre to be a particularly compelling philosopher, his juvenile antics cannot undermine his reputation with me. I don't find Beauvoir's work interesting, either, but I did enjoy the three-part series. It will provide me with entertaining digressive material when I go over existentialism and feminism next semester.
These relationships took place around 10 years before the Second Sex appeared. From reading Kirkpatrick's book, I get the impresson that Beauvoir did not see herself as a feminist before she wrote the Second Sex, that she discovered her feminism in writing the book.
Try hard to be an honest, communicative, thoughtful and available adult and left and right sexy young grifters will be attempting to seduce you and entangle you in vicious emotional blackmail. No philosophers are immune to it.
Since I have never considered Sartre to be a particularly compelling philosopher, his juvenile antics cannot undermine his reputation with me. I don't find Beauvoir's work interesting, either, but I did enjoy the three-part series. It will provide me with entertaining digressive material when I go over existentialism and feminism next semester.
These relationships took place around 10 years before the Second Sex appeared. From reading Kirkpatrick's book, I get the impresson that Beauvoir did not see herself as a feminist before she wrote the Second Sex, that she discovered her feminism in writing the book.